My calling is to be a catalyst for others! On this adventure of life, I found myself staring down the triple threat barrel of wellness, mind, body, and soul, and losing the battle. I have faced rocky relationships, raised my two boys as well as many “adopted” others, maneuvered career transitions, attended college as an adult, and built and lead teams. The experiences were like attending the school of hard knocks, but that was not enough. I sought to build a foundation constructed on academics and knowledge from subject matter experts that had researched, tested, and proven the theories I accepted. I believe deeply in that which I give my time to. My studies are fueled by my passion to grow personally, so, I internalize the material and massage it till I have a clear understanding of what it means to me. Becoming an expert is vital to success as credibility as a coach it crucial for building trust with clients.

I spent the last decade discovering who I really was through deep reflection. As a child and young adult, I had a pessimist outlook and Chicken Little complex. My identity was tied to seeing what I was missing in life feeding the idea that the world was unfair. After accepting I was not happy with whom I was… I made the conscious decision to change; this tiger was changing her stripes! As a result a label now associated with me is being the “Princess of positivity” who inspires with “infectious optimism!”

I am a culture creator, purveyor of life, lifelong learner and teacher who is focused on full health and balance. Showing up with positivity and high energy is infectious as I engage participants and get the momentum moving! Relentless optimism meets each situation seizing it with the expectation of “Yes! We can do this… Together we will get there!” Through authentic transparency, trust builds and clients move dialog deeper in openness, understanding and transformation. Creating relationships is the core of it all! Elevator rides are never dull as I engage with passengers in the art of conversation and listening. It is fascinating how connections can be made, sometimes through loving fashion, growing up with Italian grandmothers, going to school in San Francisco, or having an older sibling that couldn’t stand you till we were an adult… there is always a connection to be made! In my late 20s, I had a mentor say to live life as if each day was being written as a page in a journal and at any time that journal could be picked up and read by another… which at first that level of vulnerability and transparency completely terrified me. As I have matured, I realize how vital it is to be true to myself. That means owning every piece of life both good and bad… because I choose to look at every piece as an opportunity to refine and grow. The beauty in this viewpoint is that if other people can connect with something I have been through and be inspired or motivated… we both win… and that is beautiful!

I have invented a persona of being fearless, if someone needs to get out there and do it… I will! Before I ask anyone to take a brave step and put themselves out there… I show I am willing to do it too! Relationship is mission critical, creating comfort built on a foundation of honesty and vulnerability. We will work towards a clearer understanding of who you are. Identifying what you value in life so you can begin to make choices that will honor you.