
Discover Your Strengths

Forward movement can be compromised when one's energy becomes misdirected. People tend to focus on their deficiency or weakness and not their strengths. Shifting the focus to one's strengths helps to uncover areas they can naturally excel leading to success building momentum.


Identify Your Values

Determining what personal values resonate within one's self assists in setting priorities and understanding what is important. Once personal values are identified, when faced with decisions, the optimal choice becomes clearer as it falls in line with that which one honors.


Create Your Vision

Actions can feel as though they are simply transactional if they are not part of the bigger picture. Creating vision and better understanding your "why" moves you closer to streamlining the necessary steps for success and also helps you share your vision with others.

Since 1993

In a Nutshell

Jaime is a culture creator, purveyor of life, lifelong learner and teacher who is focused on full health and harmony. She has found her calling as a catalyst for others to balance the three forces of wellness-mind, body and soul.

She spent the last decade discovering herself; transforming from the "Chicken Little" complex of her youth into a life coach whose infectious optimism inspires others. Through authentic transparency, trust is built, and together they can move dialogue deeper into openness, leading to understanding and ultimately, renewal and refinement of self.

Jaime embraces a persona of fearlessness and often states, “if this tiger can change her  stripes, so can you!


Next Steps...

Are you ready to take the next step on the journey? Let's get started!
Send me an email or give me a call. You are one chat away from changing your stripes!